SHORT-SEA Antwerp, BE to Cork, IE Service!
ICL announces our New Short-Sea Service from Antwerp, Belgium to Cork, Ireland.
Weekly, Fixed Day Service - sailing from Antwerp on Wednesdays and arriving into Cork on Saturdays; just 3 days!

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Weekly, Fixed Day Service:
Sailing from Antwerp on Wednesdays
Arriving to Cork on Saturdays
Service Details:
Booking cut-offs: Monday 1200 hours CET
Documentation cut-offs: Tuesday 1000 hours CET
Cargo Delivery cut-offs: Tuesday 1200 hours CET (Antwerp)
Cargo can be shipped in 20' DV, 40' DV/HC, and 40' HC reefer cargo, and accepting IMDG regulated cargo (IMDG 3/8/9).